IndexError: boolean index does not match indexed array by size 0

My code worked fine until I updated Numpy to 1.13.1. Now I am getting the following error:

IndexError: boolean index did not match indexed array along dimension 0; dimension is 5 but corresponding boolean dimension is 4


... which is thrown into this line:

m = arr[np.diff(np.cumsum(arr) >= sum(arr) * i)]


I can't wrap my head around me. Any suggestions?

Here's my sample code:

a = [1,2,3,4,5]
l = [0.85,0.90]
s = sorted(a, reverse = False)
arr = np.array(s)
for i in l:
    m = arr[np.diff(np.cumsum(arr) >= sum(arr) * i)]



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is one element less than data_array.

The exit shape is the same as with the exception of the axis, where the dimension is n less.


I'm using Numpy 1.11, IndexError

we get a instead VisibleDeprecationWarning

. So my guess is that using the wrong size is no longer allowed.

You need to define what behavior you want, eg. start at the second element or remove the last one:

arr = np.array([1,2,3,4,5])

arr2 = arr[:-1]
m = arr2[np.diff(np.cumsum(arr) >= sum(arr))]

arr3 = arr[1:]
m = arr3[np.diff(np.cumsum(arr) >= sum(arr))]




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