Create a zero-length vector

Given this type for vectors, how do I create a zero-length vector for a specific type of elements?

data Vect : Nat -> Type -> Type where
  VectNil : Vect 0 ty
  (::) : ty -> Vect size ty -> Vect (S size) ty


VectNil String and all the options I tried in the REPL failed. Is it wrong to expect VectNil to work the way the default generic list constructor in C # does?

new List<string> (); // creates a zero length List of string



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1 answer


is a value constructor and it takes an implicit parameter . You can see it in the REPL here:

*x> :set showimplicits 
*x> :t VectNil 
 Main.VectNil : {ty : Type} -> Main.Vect 0 ty


Idris passes the values โ€‹โ€‹of these implicit parameters from the context. But sometimes the context lacks information:

*x> VectNil
(input):Can't infer argument ty to Main.VectNil


You can explicitly provide a value for an implicit parameter using curly braces:

*x> VectNil {ty=String}
Main.VectNil {ty = String} : Main.Vect 0 String


Or use an operatorthe

to add an annotation like:

*x> the (Vect 0 String) VectNil 
Main.VectNil  : Main.Vect 0 String


In larger programs, Idris can infer the type based on his site.



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