Looping over child list AbstractControl in FormGroup in Angular

Here's the component code that tries to determine if each is AbstractControl

inside FormGroup


before displaying the validation error:

export class FieldErrorsComponent {
  @Input() control: AbstractControl | FormGroup;

  public controlsAreNotPristine(): boolean {
    if (this.control instanceof FormGroup) {
      return ((this.control as FormGroup).controls.every(control => !control.pristine));

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This of course doesn't work because it FromGroup.controls

is defined like this:

controls: { [key: string]: AbstractControl; };

I don't know what a good loop alternative controls

would be? The real problem is that FormGroup.pristine

it doesn't really reflect the value of the sum of its child controls, which I understand can be done by design.


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does not provide any iterator as seen from its interface . But it does provide access to controls that are defined like this:

controls: {[key: string]: AbstractControl}


So, you can use a standard loop for in

to iterate over them:

  public controlsAreNotPristine(): boolean {
    if (this.control instanceof FormGroup) {
      const controls = (this.control as FormGroup).controls
      for (const name in controls) {
         if (controls[name].pristine) {
            return true;
       return false;


The real problem is that the FormGroup.pristine doesn't really reflect the value of the sum of its child controls, which I understand can do this by design.

The FormGroup must correctly reflect the state of its child controls. This can be seen from the method _updatePristine

in the FormGroup:

  _updatePristine(opts: {onlySelf?: boolean} = {}): void {
    this._pristine = !this._anyControlsDirty(); <------- ensure all controls are pristine

    if (this._parent && !opts.onlySelf) {




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