Identity environment in PHP when script runs from CLI

I am using the correct configuration for each environment. To acomplissh, what should I identify with the HTTP_HOST variable, for example:



the problem is when I run the code from the cli locally I can't figure out what the environment is.

I found a code that solves my problem

function getIPs($withV6 = true) {
     preg_match_all('/inet'.($withV6 ? '6?' : '').' addr: ?([^ ]+)/', `ifconfig`, $ips);
   return $ips[1];


But ifconfig

only works on Linux, I detect which OS and change "ifconfig" to "ipconfig" (windows) using:

$getIpFunc = PHP_OS=='Linux'?`ifconfig`:`ipconfig`;
preg_match_all('/inet'.($withV6 ? '6?' : '').' addr: ?([^ ]+)/', $getIpFunc, $ips);


but i dont get ip in windows


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1 answer

You can use getHostByName

in both environments. It would probably be more reliable than using ipconfig or ifconfig.

$localIP = getHostByName(getHostName());



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