Angular 2/4 save ContentChild template as string

I have a component app-preview

that has a pushed component from its parent to it ng-content



S 'parent code :

      <checkbox #prv


I want app-preview

not only for rendering, but also for saving as a string to any template property of any component that was clicked on it ng-content

. So I want to app-preview

keep the following line:

  "<checkbox #prv


to its property and use the file in it .ts

. For example:this.childTmpl

How can I achieve this?



source to share

2 answers

I assume you are using @angular/compiler


So, in this case, it can be easily done by overriding, for example, the method I18NHtmlParser.parse


import { Attribute as HtmlAttribute, I18NHtmlParser } from '@angular/compiler';

function visitAll(visitor: any, nodes: any[]): any[] {
  const result: any[] = [];
  nodes.forEach(ast => ast.visit(visitor));
  return result;

class MyVisitor {
  visitElement(ast: any) {
    if( === 'app-preview') {
      const text = ast.sourceSpan.start.file.content
             .substring(ast.startSourceSpan.end.offset, ast.endSourceSpan.start.offset);
      ast.attrs.push(new HtmlAttribute('childTmpl', text, ast.startSourceSpan))
    visitAll(this, ast.children);
  visitAttribute() {}
  visitText() {}
  visitComment() {}
const originParse = I18NHtmlParser.prototype.parse;
const visitor = new MyVisitor();
I18NHtmlParser.prototype.parse = function() {
  const result = originParse.apply(this, arguments);
  visitAll(visitor, result.rootNodes)
  return result;


It will collect the text between the tag app-preview

and pass it to the attribute childTmpl

that will be converted to @Input


After that, you can get the ContentChild line in


export class AppPreview {
   @Input() childTmpl: string;

   ngOnInit() {


If you want to see it in action take a look at the Plunger Example

PS Don't do this if you don't know what it does.

To see how angular parses a template take a look



Try adding a link to your app preview

<app-preview [title]="'PREVIEW'" [id]="'prev'" #test>
      <checkbox #prv


And in your .ts file, you can get the inner HTML of your native element and save it however you want:

@ViewChild('test') input:ElementRef; 

ngAfterViewInit() {


Don't forget to import ElementRef and ViewChild.



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