In Perl, why can't I bless a variable that contains a literal reference?

I've been trying to learn Perl for a few days, and I am still often surprised and sometimes puzzled about how and why it does it. Here's my final riddle: why are the following two blocks of code not equivalent?

my $thing = '';
bless \$thing; # class is implicit



my $thing = \'';
bless $thing; # class again implicit


The second form says "Modify read-only value" on the second line.


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2 answers


is a literal reference.


is a link to $thing

. The value is $thing

set to an empty string at the moment.

The reason for the error you are getting is the same as the reason the following error will give you the same error:

my $thing = \5;
$$thing = 10;



changes the value to which its first argument refers. In this case, and in yours, it $x

refers to something that is not being modified.

See perldoc perlobj :

Objects are blessed; Variables are not

When we bless

do something, we do not bless the variable that contains a reference to that thing, and we do not bless the reference that the variable holds; we bless what the variable refers to (sometimes called the referent). (emphasis mine)

If you want a scalar supported class you can do this:

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use v5.10;

package MyString;

use strict; use warnings;

sub new {
    my ($class, $self) = @_;
    bless \$self => $class;

sub content { ${$_[0] }
sub length { length ${$_[0]} }

package main;

use strict; use warnings;

my $string => MyString->new("Hello World");

say $string->$_ for qw(content length);


Of course, you need to exercise discipline and not modify the instance data through the backdoor, as in $$string = "Bye bye cruel world"




The operator bless

works through a link: it is a referenced object that becomes blessed. Most often, the reference data is a hash, but as you discovered it can also be scalar or any other Perl data type

my $thing = '';
bless \$thing; # class is implicit


This is normal. You set $thing

to an empty string (which doesn't matter here) and you bless it by passing a reference to itbless

my $thing = \'';
bless $thing; # class again implicit


This sets a $thing

reference to the string constant, so it bless

tries to work with that constant, which is not possible because, as the post says, it is read-only

Long story short, in the first case you are blessing a scalar variable $thing

, and in the second case you are trying to bless a string constant ''

that fails



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