Kotlin boxed Int is not the same

Please help me understand this piece of code in the kotlin docs: -

val a: Int = 10000
print(a === a) // Prints 'true'
val boxedA: Int? = a
val anotherBoxedA: Int? = a
print(boxedA === anotherBoxedA) // !!!Prints 'false'!!!


Now I understand that first int a = 10000

and then the next line compares it with ===


Now the question is why, when it assigned boxedA=a

, it was checking if it was null using int?

. Can it just be written like this: -

val boxedA: Int=a


Please if I am getting this wrong, someone can help check the correct place or explain it a bit for me.


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3 answers

when he assigned boxedA = a

it was checking if it was null usingint?

I have no idea what you mean by that. When a variable is created, the type int?

makes it a variable, which can either store Int

or null

. No validation occurs in this job. If you have a non-null value to assign to a variable, just make it non-empty, without ?

in the type:

val copyOfA: Int = a


You can even omit the type and get the Int


val copyOfA = a


As for comparisons:


used for comparison by value in Kotlin (this is equivalent to use equals

in Java), ===

used for comparison of references (this is ==

in Java).

On creation boxedA

and anotherBoxedA

you create two instances Integer

under the hood (since null-valued variables cannot be represented by primitives). They will be equal compared to ==

(they have the same meaning), but not compared to ===

(they are different instances).

You can see the relevant part of the official docs here .



did he check if it is null using int?

This is not what it means.

Kotlin's null security feature does not allow a default variable to be set.

Check it here .

val anotherBoxedA: Int? = a


This means it anotherBoxedA

can be assigned null or equal to NULL.

val anotherBoxedA: Int? = null


This will be allowed.



First, it Int

will render in java Int

/ Integer

depending on its context. If Int

is a generic argument, then its display type Integer

. Otherwise, it is a primitive type Int

. eg:

val a:Int = 1 
//final int a = 1; //mapped to java code

val numbers:List<Int> = asList(1,2,3)
//final List<Integer> numbers  = asList(1, 2, 3); //mapped to java code


Second, boxing Int

on Int?

the same behavior as java boxing Int

on Integer

, for example:

val a:Int = 1   // int a = 1;
val b:Int? = a; // Integer b = a;


Why are the nested integers not the same?

This is because Integer only cache values ​​in a range [-128, 127]

. the above variable a

is out of the cache scope, it will create a new Integer instance for each box , not using the cached value. eg:

//                v--- 1 is in cache range 
val ranged: Int = 1
val boxedRanged1: Int? = ranged
val boxedRanged2: Int? = ranged

println(boxedRanged1 === boxedRanged2) //true


//                   v--- 128 is out of cache range
val excluded: Int = 128
val boxedExcluded1: Int? = excluded
val boxedExcluded2: Int? = excluded

println(boxedExcluded1 === boxedExcluded2) //false




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