Does Google Cloud Datastore require an application engine?

I'm building a Node.js website that probably won't load traffic and have been looking for cheap site hosting solutions. Google cloud services are available that offer free use of their services with restrictions. F1-mirco is more than enough for my needs, but I'll happily pay for some use if it happens by accident.

I wanted to set up linux centOS 7 on GCE (which I already did) and run my app and REST API on it. Now there is a problem.

I tried to use google datastore service, but it invoked the application core instance and without it the datastore won't work.

Is the data store fully reliant on the application engine? The docs say that if you are using any client API, it requires an application engine. What can I do to avoid using client api and request data? Don't want to use the application engine at the moment, or is the data warehouse just not for me?

Thanks for any help!


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1 answer

Some of the underlying infrastructure of Cloud Datastore and App Engine are still linked together for building, etc. Therefore, when creating a cloud storage database, the App Engine instance for the project is also defined, it does not require you to use it . You also don't pay for App Engine, unless you choose to deploy your application using it.

You must fully use the Google Cloud Node client library on micro instance f1.



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