MATLAB: Finding a Faster / More Elegant Way to Calculate Moving Median Absolute Deviation for Very Long Time Series
I have a very large array with five channels and approximately 6 million records (5 x 6,000,000). My goal is to traverse the array using a 7-point window and remove "bursts", which are defined as some scaled amount greater than the mean absolute deviation (MAD).
I am testing the code running only 10000 start points of the time series. It currently takes me about 3 seconds to launch the first 10,000 points. I am using a relatively old 32-bit Dell laptop with a 2.30GHz processor and 4GB of RAM. Obviously, if I was using a newer computer, I could complete the task very quickly. For example, my more powerful desktop does the same task in 0.7 seconds. However, I need to run the code on a laptop and cannot afford to wait 35-40 minutes every time I need to run the code. I'm looking for help finding inefficiencies and places where I can make the code faster.
Below is the code. Any suggestions on how to improve the speed are appreciated. I noticed that the calculation for "MAD" is the most time consuming (it takes about 1.9 seconds or more than half of the total time).
load('data.mat') % data (approx 5 channels x 6000000 data points (int32)) nscans = length(data); %number of data points in each channel nwide = 7; %number of data points in the window % Rejection parameters (not so important for the question) iscale = 50; %scale factor for MAD minmad = 2; mincrit = [100 100 100 500 500]; nfixed=zeros(1,5); L = floor(nwide/2); %half of window (odd window length only) %Padding for beginning and end of data data = [repmat(data(:,1),[1 L]) data repmat(data(:,end),[1 L])]; nfixed = zeros(1,5); %initialize counter tic for n = L+1:10000 idata = data(:,n-L:n+L)'; % temporary window % compute median of window med=median(idata); %compute median absolute deviation (MAD) % Note: mad = median(abs(X - median(X))) mad = median(abs(idata-repmat(median(idata),[nwide 1]))); mad = max([mad;minmad*ones(1,5)]); %minmad threshold added %compute rejection threshold icrit=max([iscale*mad;mincrit]); for i = 1:5 %loop over channels if abs(data(i,n)-med(i)) > icrit(i) %if threshold is exceeded data(i,n)=med(i); %then replace with median value nfixed(i)=nfixed(i)+1; %count number of replacements end end end toc data = data(:,L+1:end-L)'; %remove padding
I feel like there is probably a more elegant way to execute the "repmat" command.
Any ideas are appreciated.
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Any suggestions on how to improve the speed are greatly appreciated.
You can tighten up your code a bit without repeating the second call median(idata)
Change this:
mad = median(abs(idata-repmat(median(idata),[nwide 1])));
mad = median(abs(idata-repmat(med,[nwide 1])));
Alternatively, you can get more mileage from MATLAB's mad function , which originated before 2006. You will need to change your variable names.
For example, you can change your code:
mad = median(abs(idata-repmat(median(idata),[nwide 1])));
mad = max([mad;minmad*ones(1,5)]); %minmad threshold added
madV = max(mad(idata);[2 2 2 2 2]);
I just put vector 2 there since nothing was showing in the code minmad
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Can you use movmedian
to get the moving median?
med = movmedian(data,7,2,'Endpoints','discard');
Try to avoid loops if at all possible.
For example:
data = randn([5,1E6]);tic; med = movmedian(data,7,2); %moving median dev = abs(data-med); %deviation from median thres = median(dev,2); %threshold rep = dev>thres; %points to replace data(rep) = med(rep); %replace data with median toc >>Elapsed time is 0.285828 seconds. memory >>Memory used by MATLAB: 1629 MB (1.708e+09 bytes)
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