SSIS Directory - All Executions report shows only #Error in all headers and hyperlinks
I am running the SSIS package on a recent install of SQL Server 2016. Recently, the All Axecutions report from the Integration Services SSISDB catalog started to look like the screenshot below. A package that runs on a 5 minute basis works great. No mistakes. I can see that the data is being transferred as expected. There is something wrong with this report. I searched for a bit and couldn't find anything.
Anyone have any ideas as to what is wrong? Why is he #Error everywhere?
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Solution: restart SSMS.
I can reproduce this error using SSMS 13.0.16106.4/SQL Server 13.0.4206.0 (Although the reports were running for a period of time, the problem came back).
With the same SQL user, but using SSMS 12.0.5000.0 (from remote desktop), the reports were accurate.
Another user with SSMS 14.0.17177.0 never had a problem.
Server restart had no effect.
I restarted SSMS 13.0.16106.4 which solved the problem. It might be a memory issue with SSMS.
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I had the same problem and initially thought it was due to using the latest SSMS package - 17.1 on Windows 10, but others with the same setup didn't get any errors.
Then I ran the config for SSRS (which was installed but not configured). This created the report server databases, but made no difference. I don't think SSIS report is using SSRS anyway, but not sure.
Then I ran Windows Update and installed the latest .NET 4.7 packages.
After reloading, SSIS messages are back to normal!
So one or a combination of what I did above along with the reboot made a difference, but equally it could just be the reboot that was required.
This was on my development machine and I was backing up and restoring SSISDB from production to my development environment - it might have something to do with trying to re-create this issue, but I haven't experienced it since and after completely uninstalling and restoring SSISDB.
Hope this helps?
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I had this problem. It turns out I dumped multiple window groups from the database I was loading data into (which was on a completely different server). When I added them back, the reports worked and didn't show#error
It makes absolutely no sense, but I thought I would document it in case it helps or runs through some memory.
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