How to apply java jocks from method to field in one class

I have a function that provides a map of the classes annotated with a given annotation

void <A extends Annotation> ImmutableMap<Class<?>, A> find(Class<A> annotation, String packageBase) {
    final ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();

    return ClassPath.from(loader).getTopLevelClassesRecursive(packageBase).stream()
            .filter(x -> x.load().getAnnotation(annotation) != null)
                    .toMap(ClassPath.ClassInfo::load, x -> x.load().getAnnotation(annotation)), ImmutableMap::copyOf));


I would like to do a shared provider with a cache like in the following example

public class AnnotatedClassProvider {
    private final Map<Class<? extends Annotation>, ImmutableMap<Class<?>, Object>> cache;
    private final String basePackage;

    public AnnotatedClassProvider(String basePackage) {
        this.basePackage = basePackage;
        this.cache = Maps.newHashMap();

    public <A extends Annotation> ImmutableMap<Class<?>, A> get(Class<A> annotation) {
        ImmutableMap<Class<?>, A> cached = cache.get(annotation);
        if (cached != null)
            return cached;

        final ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
        cached = ClassPath.from(loader).getTopLevelClassesRecursive(basePackage).stream()
                .filter(x -> x.load().getAnnotation(annotation) != null)
                        .toMap(ClassPath.ClassInfo::load, x -> x.load().getAnnotation(annotation)), ImmutableMap::copyOf));
        this.cache.put(annotation, cached);
        return (cached);


My problem: I can't find a way to replace it Object

with a generic one A

, as in a function get

, for the following map:

private final Map<Class<? extends Annotation>, ImmutableMap<Class<?>, Object>> cache;


It compiles when I don't specify generic maps, but I need to include a get method. Is there a way to avoid this?

private final Map<Class<? extends Annotation>, ImmutableMap> cache;


I think it should look like this.

private final <A extends Annotation> Map<Class<A>, ImmutableMap<Class<?>, A>> cache;



source to share

1 answer

Seems impossible without a cast, so the following lines fixed my problem:

private final Map<Class<? extends Annotation>, ImmutableMap> cache;

public <A extends Annotation> ImmutableMap<Class<?>, A> get(Class<A> annotation) {
    ImmutableMap<Class<?>, A> cached = cache.get(annotation);


For interesting people, what does my provider look like now


public interface AnnotatedClassProvider {
    <A extends Annotation> ImmutableMap<Class<?>, A> get(Class<A> annotation) throws IOException;


Abstract class

public abstract class AbstractAnnotatedClassProvider implements AnnotatedClassProvider {
    private final Map<Class<? extends Annotation>, ImmutableMap> cache;

    public AbstractAnnotatedClassProvider() {
        this.cache = Maps.newHashMap();

    protected final <A extends Annotation> ImmutableMap<Class<?>, A> find(Class<A> annotation, @Nullable String basePackage) throws IOException {
        ImmutableMap<Class<?>, A> cached = cache.get(annotation);

        if (cached != null)
            return cached;

        ClassPath classPath = ClassPath.from(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());

        ImmutableSet<ClassPath.ClassInfo> set = basePackage == null
                ? classPath.getAllClasses()
                : classPath.getTopLevelClasses(basePackage);

        cached =
                .filter(x -> x.load().getAnnotation(annotation) != null)
                        .toMap(ClassPath.ClassInfo::load, x -> x.load().getAnnotation(annotation)), ImmutableMap::copyOf));
        this.cache.put(annotation, cached);
        return (cached);



public final class Providers {
    public static AnnotatedClassProvider newBased(String basePackage) {
        return new AbstractAnnotatedClassProvider() {
            public <A extends Annotation> ImmutableMap<Class<?>, A> get(Class<A> annotation) throws IOException {
                return super.find(annotation, basePackage);

    public static AnnotatedClassProvider newSimple() {
        return new AbstractAnnotatedClassProvider() {
            public <A extends Annotation> ImmutableMap<Class<?>, A> get(Class<A> annotation) throws IOException {
                return super.find(annotation, null);



public @interface Controller {
    String value();

package com.test

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        AnnotatedClassProvider provider = Providers.newBased("com.test");
        Map<Class<?>, Controller> classes = provider.get(Controller.class);

        classes.forEach((x, y ) -> System.out.println(String.format("Class: %s annotated with %s with value %s",
                x.getName(), y.getClass().getName(), y.value())));


Output: Class: annotated with Controller.class with value mainController

Thanks for all the comments.



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