How do I use the Github Release API for a no-source release?

I use blow command to publish the release to the Github repository:

curl -X POST -H "Authorization: token xxxxxxxxx"  -d '{"tag_name": "test", "name":"release-0.0.1","body":"this is a test release"}'


I see that a new release is being created. But underneath there are two download buttons:

Source code (zip)
Source code (tar.gz)


How can I make a release without source code?

If I cannot remove the source code embed, how can I download additional binaries? I tried to use the API Upload a release asset

like this POST https://<upload_url>/repos/:owner/:repo/releases/:id/assets?

, it returns successfully, but I couldn't find the binaries in the Github release tab.


source to share

3 answers

To create a new release and download additional binaries, you can:

  • build a release with POST /repos/:username/:repo/releases

    and save the field upload_url

    from the response
  • load your asset using POST $upload_url

    with additional parameters name

    and optional label

    (see this one )

Quick example using bash

, curl

and jq

(JSON parser):



upload_url=$(curl -s -H "Authorization: token $token"  \
     -d '{"tag_name": "test", "name":"release-0.0.1","body":"this is a test release"}'  \
     "$repo/releases" | jq -r '.upload_url')


echo "uploading asset to release to url : $upload_url"

curl -s -H "Authorization: token $token"  \
        -H "Content-Type: application/zip" \
        --data-binary  \




I don't think you can according to the community. However, you can attach small files to the release. I believe this is how GitHub works since it is geared towards code viewing and providing the source is an important part.



You can control the contents of the sorcecode archive as part of automatic generation using the .gitattributes file (and make it part of your repository).

Add lines like:

src export-ignore


to exclude the "src" directory from part of the generated source package. Internally, github uses a "git archive" to create packages based on tags, and the "git archive" can be managed with ".gitattributes".

I don't know if you can avoid generating the source package entirely - but this is at least a workaround to control the contents of the source package



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