Automatically center labels between Tikz nodes
I am new to using Tikz latex package and I am trying to write a table. My problem is to create enough space between the siblings so that I can place the shortcut in the center. This is what I did. I would like to avoid the manual distance as much as possible, so I am looking for a general solution.
\begin{tikzpicture}[auto, node distance=1.3cm]
\node (A) {$X^1$};
\node (B) [below of=A] {$X^2$};
\node (C) [below of=B] {$X^3$};
\node (D) [below of=C] {$X^4$};
\node (E) [below of=D] {$X^5$};
\node (F) [label={[label distance=-1cm] \color{green}{Complete}}, below left of=E,left=1cm] {$X^6$};
\node (G) [below right of=E, right=1cm] {$X^7$};
\node (H) [below left of=G,left=1cm] {$X^8$};
\node (I) [label={[label distance=-1cm] \color{red}{Closed}}, below right of=G, right=1cm] {$X^9$};
\node (L) [label={[label distance=-1cm] \color{red}{Closed}}, below of=H] {$X^{10}$};
\path (A) edge (B);
\path (B) edge (C);
\path (C) edge (D);
\path (D) edge (E);
\path (E) edge node [below=0.3cm, right=0.4cm]{PB-Rule} (F)
edge (G);
\path (G) edge node [below=0.3cm, right=0.4cm] {PB-Rule} (H)
edge (I);
\path (H) edge node {E-Rule} (L);
Any suggestion?
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1 answer
To place a label between siblings, you can use the syntax !0.5!
\begin{tikzpicture}[auto, node distance=1.3cm]
\node (A) {$X^1$};
\node (B) [below of=A] {$X^2$};
\node (C) [below of=B] {$X^3$};
\node (D) [below of=C] {$X^4$};
\node (E) [below of=D] {$X^5$};
\node (F) [label={[label distance=-1cm] \color{green}{Complete}}, below left of=E,left=1cm] {$X^6$};
\node (G) [below right of=E, right=1cm] {$X^7$};
\node (H) [below left of=G,left=1cm] {$X^8$};
\node (I) [label={[label distance=-1cm] \color{red}{Closed}}, below right of=G, right=1cm] {$X^9$};
\node (L) [label={[label distance=-1cm] \color{red}{Closed}}, below of=H] {$X^{10}$};
\node (label1) at ($(F)!0.5!(G)$) {PB-Rule};
\node (label2) at ($(H)!0.5!(I)$) {PB-Rule};
\path (A) edge (B);
\path (B) edge (C);
\path (C) edge (D);
\path (D) edge (E);
\path (E) edge (F);
\path (E) edge (G);
\path (G) edge (H);
\path (G) edge (I);
\path (H) edge node {E-Rule} (L);
Note: you need the calc tikz library for this syntax.
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