How to sort CSV files using PHP whitout sort header line?

My CSV file looks like this:

| name a | name b | title c |

| 1234 | 3 | AB 10 |

| 5678 | 5 | AB 9 |

I need to keep the title and sort the lines of other lines by title c.

what i have done so far.

{$rows = array();
$resultstring = "";
$file = file("input.csv");

foreach($file as $key => $val){
    // explode by comma
    $rowarray = explode(",",$val);

    // get only the second column
    $rows[] = $rowarray[2];

// sort by names

// put the result with the help of the key to output array
foreach($rows as $key => $val){
    $resultstring .= trim($file[$key]) . "\r\n";

// show the result
//echo $resultstring;

file_put_contents("output.csv", $resultstring);



source to share

1 answer

$fakeCsvFile = '"titleA","titleB","titleC"'      ."\n".
                '"1234","3","AB 10"'             ."\n".
                '"5678","5","AB 9'               ."\n";
//function sortCSVString($string, $columnToSortByIndex = 0, $asc = true )



array(3) {
  array(3) {
    string(6) "titleA"
    string(6) "titleB"
    string(6) "titleC"
  array(3) {
    string(4) "5678"
    string(1) "5"
    string(4) "AB 9"
  array(3) {
    string(4) "1234"
    string(1) "3"
    string(5) "AB 10"


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Try these 2 functions

 * sort an CSV file and return the sorted data in array
 * @param string $file name
 * @param number $columnToSortByIndex
 * @param bool $asc
 * @return array
function sortCSVFile($file, $columnToSortByIndex = 0, $asc = true )
    //1- prepare data
    $csvArray = array_map('str_getcsv', file($file));
    if(!$csvArray) return [];
    // 2- save the header
    $header = $csvArray[0];
    // 3- sort
    $cTiteles = [];
    foreach ($csvArray as $row){
        $cTiteles[] = $row[$columnToSortByIndex];
    //the sorting has been taken from here
        array_multisort($cTiteles, SORT_ASC, $csvArray);
        array_multisort($cTiteles, SORT_DESC, $csvArray);
    // 3- prepend the header again
     return $csvArray;


This version of the function takes a string as input instead of a file (you can combine them into 1 function and change the input since most of the procedures are almost the same)

 * sort an CSV string and return the sorted data in array
 * @param string $file name
 * @param number $columnToSortByIndex
 * @param bool $asc
 * @return array
function sortCSVString($string, $columnToSortByIndex = 0, $asc = true )
    //1- prepare data
    $csvRows = str_getcsv($string, "\n");
    $csvArray = [];
    // the workaround in here has been inspired from here
    foreach($csvRows as $row){
        $row = str_getcsv($row, ",");
        $csvArray[] = $row;
    if(!$csvArray) return [];
    // 2- save the header
    $header = $csvArray[0];
    // 3- sort
    $cTiteles = [];
    foreach ($csvArray as $row){
        $cTiteles[] = $row[$columnToSortByIndex];
        array_multisort($cTiteles, SORT_ASC, $csvArray);
        array_multisort($cTiteles, SORT_DESC, $csvArray);
    // 3- prepend the header again
     return $csvArray;




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