Error: Cannot find symbolic variable DaggerAppComponent

While trying to integrate the latest version of Dagger 2, I ran into a dagger generation issue. Dagger does not automatically generate DaggerAppComponent, despite multiple Rebuilds and Make Module App processes.

Application class:

public class BaseApplication extends Application
    private AppComponent appComponent;

    public void onCreate()

    private void initAppComponent()
                .appModule(new AppModule(this))

    public AppComponent getAppComponent()
        return appComponent;



@Component(modules = AppModule.class)
public interface AppComponent
    void inject(BaseApplication application);



public class AppModule
    private BaseApplication application;

    public AppModule(BaseApplication app)
        application = app;

    Context provideContext()
        return application;

    Application provideApplication()
        return application;


Used dependency:

compile ''
compile ''
annotationProcessor ''
androidTestCompile ''


Any help in this regard would be much appreciated.


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7 replies

It looks like I was using the wrong dependencies:

compile ''
compile '' // if you use the support libraries
annotationProcessor ''


The above dependencies should be used if you are using classes in .android dagger.

Correct dependencies:

compile ''
annotationProcessor ''




You need these two lines

implementation ''
kapt ''


Use kapt instead of annotationProcessor when using kotlin. A generated class like Dagger + AppComponentClass, for example: DaggerAppComponent



Adding the below dependency fixed the problem for me:

annotationProcessor ''




Try it, go to File and

Cancel and restart



I had the same problem ... What solved my problem was adding the ViewModel to the ViewmodelModulle and then adding the @Inject annotation to the constructor of my ViewModel. This might be a different problem for you, but it really helped in my situation. My code compiled with no problem

@Inject <----- This was missing in the constructor.

public MessageViewModel(Application application) {
    mApp = application;




1. Clean the project 2.Rebuild 3. File -> invalidate and restart



Enter the Chengue code,

 private void initAppComponent()
/*    DaggerAppComponent.builder()
                    .appModule(new AppModule(this))
        appComponent = DaggerAppComponent.builder()
                .appModule(new AppModule(this))
        appComponent .inject(this)


Other things

@Component(modules = AppModule.class)
public interface AppComponent
    void inject(BaseApplication application);


Why you need to inject the same class in which the component is created, you can easily get the context and application in the Application class. The dagger can help you find the dependent class.



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