Function call in ng-class attribute of ng-repeat directive

Can anyone figure out the problem with the following line of code.

<tr ng-repeat="myrecord in myData" 
  ng-class="togglecolor('{{}}','{{myrecord[$index-1].name}}')? 'yellow':'red'">


Here the togglecolor () function returns true or false. yellow and red are not applied to the line.


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2 answers

You shouldn't use interpolation {{}}

inside your directive ng-class


ng-class="togglecolor(,myrecord[$index-1].name)? 'yellow':'red'"


A better implementation would directly return a class from a method togglecolor





$scope.togglecolor = togglecolor;
function togglecolor(name, prevName){
   var flag;
   //some awesome logic set flag value here, either true/false
   return flag ? 'yellow': 'red';




Another way to use is not to use fucntion, just evaluate the expression in the ng class

<tr ng-repeat="myrecord in myData" 
   ng-class="{true:'yellow', false:'red'} [toggleColor]>




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