Websharper makes an asynchronous call return server error 500

I am trying to do async db query using SQLProvider and sqlite as db. The server side function looks like this:

let dbAsyncCall () =
    async {
        return! query {
            // ...
        } |> Seq.executeQueryAsync
    |> Async.StartAsTask 
    |> Async.AwaitTask 


On the client side, I call it like this

async {
    let! data = Server.dbAsyncCall ()
    // ...
} |> Doc.Async


When the code runs, I get the following error:

enter image description here

What's happening?



Ok, it looks like the problem is with the execution of queries in sqlite. I mean, if I try to do a simple async operation async { return 5}

, it starts without any problem, but when I execute any db related requests and surround them with async

, I get the error. I know the SQLProvider supports asynchronous queries, maybe the problem is with the sqlite lib itself?


Which error shows the js side enter image description here


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1 answer

Yes, I got the same error when trying to use SQLite when called from the server side

System.Exception: Could not load method (act : unit -> Microsoft.FSharp.Control.FSharpAsync`1<unit>) candidates: [||]


Look at my mistake in a different, newer aspect. How to use SQLite when building web pages with Websharper or Suave?



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