How can I check the google token id sent from Android on Ruby on Rails server?

I have an android app with google app. According to the documentation, I created a token id:

// Configure Google Sign-In with the requestIdToken

GoogleSignInOptions googleSignInOptions = new GoogleSignInOptions.Builder(GoogleSignInOptions.DEFAULT_SIGN_IN)

// Handle result

private void handleSignInResult(GoogleSignInResult result) {
    if (result.isSuccess()) {
        GoogleSignInAccount account = result.getSignInAccount();
        String tokenId = account.getIdToken();


I ran into a server side problem with Ruby on Rails. I am trying to use the google-id-token gem. See the README for an example:

validator = 1800)
  payload = validator.check(token, required_audience, required_client_id)
  email = payload['email']
rescue GoogleIDToken::ValidationError => e
  report "Cannot validate: #{e}"


I have token

(from android javascript code). What is it required_audience

? Should I use the same ones in client_id

my client application? When I try to run the code on the server, I get the payload as nil


Also, I would like to know if this is the correct way to check the token id.


source to share

1 answer

After some research, I found the answers to my questions. Here they are:

What is needed? audience?

It can be obtained from the decoded JWT string. You can decode it like this:

JWT.decode(token, nil, false)


Should I use the same client_id of my client application?

Yes. required_audience

and required_client_id

should be the same. Otherwise, the check fails.

Then why did I get the payload like nil


The problem is that the gem is in GitHub and the other in RubyGems is different. I solved this problem by pointing the Gemfile gem on GitHub:

gem 'google-id-token', git: ''




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