Ionic 2 datetime displays the current date on a future date and focuses on today's date

I am currently developing an application using ionic 2.

My problem is about datetime: I have this code in my html

    <ion-label stacked>Date</ion-label>
    <ion-datetime [(ngModel)]="date" formControlName="date" displayFormat="MMMM DD, YYYY" min="2017" max="2100"></ion-datetime>


The result will be =>

But I want to focus it on the current date, not the maximum date.

How can I set this in ionic 2?

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank!


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2 answers


is the correct way to do it. Now you can declare the following variable in your Typescript file:

public date: string = new Date().toISOString();


So you create a date based on the actual time and shape it into a string that the component can handle <ion-datetime>

. The correct line might look like this:



In this case, you don't need the time behind the date, because you are only using the date.



You can use the same methodology as

myDate: String = new Date().toISOString();


And instead, in your ion-datetime, do this:

<ion-datetime displayFormat="HH:mm" pickerFormat="HH:mm" [(ngModel)]="myDate"></ion-datetime>




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