How do I draw a colored rectangle on a graph when the x-axis is equal to time?

I want to draw a background rectangle behind some data. Rectangle

does not support tenses as x coordinates or widths. Is there any other way to do this?

Simple case:

time_data = datetime(2017,7,23) + duration(6,0:10:(60*14),0);
data = sort(rand(size(time_data)));
time_rectangle = datetime(2017,7,23) + duration([9 5+12],0,0);

hold on
plot([time_rectangle(1) time_rectangle(1)],ylim(),'--k','linewidth',1)
plot([time_rectangle(2) time_rectangle(2)],ylim(),'--k','linewidth',1)

ylimits = ylim();


(if rectangle worked, the rectangle would be in front of the data, but that would be easy to fix)


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1 answer

You can use different axes for this. Instead of the last line above, enter the following:

xlimits = xlim(); % get the time limits
num_rectangle = datenum(time_rectangle); % convert the rectangle unites to numeric
axes; % add another axes
% add the rectangle only with numeric units:
rectangle('Position',... % draw a semi-transparent green rectangle
          [num_rectangle(1) ylimits(1) diff(num_rectangle) diff(ylimits)],...
          'FaceColor',[0.5 1 0.5 0.5],'EdgeColor','none')
xlim(datenum(xlimits)) % set the new axes limits to be the same as the the original axes
axis off % turn off the new axes, to see the only the rectangle





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