Sqlalchemy will build a new declarative class from existing ones

I have a use case where over 190 tables are already mapped using declarative_base.

Sometimes I need to create 'staging' tables for some of these tables. The structure of staging tables differs from the original tables in that they have "stage_" preceding the name of the original table and they do not have specific fields.

This is what I came up with after some trial and error.

from sqlalchemy import Table, Column

def MutateDeclarative(source):
    columns = []
    omit_columns = ['created_at', 'updated_at']
    for c in source.__table__.c:
        if c.name not in omit_columns:
            {'primary_key': c.primary_key,
            'nullable': c.nullable,
            'doc': c.doc,
            'default': c.default,
            'unique': c.unique,
            'autoincrement': c.autoincrement}))
    class Stage(Base):
        __tablename__ = 'stage_' + source.__tablename__    
        __table__ = Table('stage_' + source.__tablename__, 
            Base.metadata, *[Column(*c[0], **c[1]) for c in columns])
    return Stage


And this code works. I can call it like

from models import Customer
MutatedCustomer = MutateDeclarative(Customer)


But I really don't know what I was doing there, it just works. Could there be any unintended consequences associated with this use, or is there a standard way to generate a class from another declarative class, with the only change being changing the table name and omitting some columns.

Many thanks to the community for explaining this.


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1 answer

I don't know exactly what your intentions were, so I can't tell if there are unintended consequences. However, this looks quite normal to me. You just create a new class for each call MutateDeclarative()


If you run into any problems ("unintended consequences"), you just need to expand yours MutateDeclarative()

to deal with it.

It's a bit like prototype-based inheritance in python.



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