Unable to select scala sdk when using Intellij after installing scala plugin

Thanks for your attention.

I am using Intellij IDEA 2017.2 on Windows 7 with the Scala plugin installed (I downloaded straight from the web and installed this from a local disk.)

But when I want to add Scala sdk via "Project Structure - Global Libraries", I clicked on the "Scala sdk" menu shown in the picture below, it did not appear in the popup as expected, i.e. represented nothing. So I cannot select Scala sdk.

the picture describes the scenario

What should I do to get it to work in Intellij? My Scala version is 2.12.2. Any advice would be appreciated.


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2 answers

Thanks for looking and answering. I found the problem.

It is connected. After I created a new project, I added the scala sdk within this project structure.



I had the same problem choosing the Scala SDK to do nothing. (IntelliJ CE 2018.1 on macOS 10.13.2). To change my Scala version (in this case from 2.12 to 2.11 for Spark support), I removed the 2.12 SDK from the global libraries and noticed that IntelliJ can still build / run the project. So I changed the symbolic link that the Scala library was reading to point to a 2.11 installation. After restarting IntelliJ still doesn't have the Scala SDK in global libraries, and the button to add it still doesn't work, but uses 2.11 which I need.

I also tried Jimmy Liu to fix creating a new Scala project, but it didn't seem to have an effect.



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