Inno Setup - determine which tasks correspond to TaskList elements (show text on mouse only for certain tasks)

So, I have these tasks comtools

, which, as you can see, may have a different position in the task list, depending on which components were previously selected. Moreover, they may be absent altogether if the user does not want to install these components. I need static text, but only when the cursor is hovering over tasks comtools


Name: "acorig"; Description: "ac original"; GroupDescription: "Choose which version of ac to install:"; Flags: exclusive; Components: ac
Name: "acenh"; Description: "ac enhanced"; GroupDescription: "Choose which version of ac to install:"; Flags: exclusive unchecked; Components: ac
Name: "ac2comtools"; Description: "ac2"; GroupDescription: "Also install community-made tools (unsupported) for:"; Flags: unchecked; Components: ac2
Name: "bccomtools"; Description: "bc"; GroupDescription: "Also install community-made tools (unsupported) for:"; Flags: unchecked; Components: bc
Name: "bc2comtools"; Description: "bc2"; GroupDescription: "Also install community-made tools (unsupported) for:"; Flags: unchecked; Components: bc
Name: "bc3comtools"; Description: "bc3"; GroupDescription: "Also install community-made tools (unsupported) for:"; Flags: unchecked; Components: bc3
Name: "bc4comtools"; Description: "bc4"; GroupDescription: "Also install community-made tools (unsupported) for:"; Flags: unchecked; Components: bc4


Yes, I've seen this one , but it ties the description to the index, which is not practical here. In addition, this code shows a description for all items in the TasksList


---- ---- Edit

So, the only change I made to the code after Martin's answer (besides moving everything to the task page) was to add Martin's function and edit HoverComponentChanged

like this:

procedure HoverComponentChanged(Index: Integer);
  Description: string;
  case Index of
    -1: Description := '';
    LookupTask('ac2comtools'): Description := 'This is the description of AC2';
    LookupTask('bccomtools'): Description := 'This is the description of BC';
    LookupTask('bc2comtools'): Description := 'This is the description of BC2';
    LookupTask('bc3comtools'): Description := 'This is the description of BC3';
    Description := '';
  TaskLabel.Caption := Description;



is fail-safe because when one of the components is not selected, the index for the corresponding task is -1

, which means that you will see a description for the first canceled component in this list when your cursor is out of bounds TasksList



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1 answer

There really isn't an easy way to determine which tasks correspond to items TaskList


The quick and dirty way is to use the product description.

In this case, it is better to define the description using a custom message so you can reference it in code. And this is necessary anyway if your installer is localized.


Name: "ac2comtools"; Description: {cm:AC2ComTools}



function LookupTask(TaskCustomMessage: string): Integer;
  Description: string;
  Description := CustomMessage(TaskCustomMessage);
  Result := WizardForm.TasksList.Items.IndexOf(Description);
  Log(Format('Index of "%s" task is %d', [Description, Result]));


Use it like:

AC2ComToolsIndex := LookupTask('ac2comtools');


Another way is to reproduce the logic of Inno Setup to decide which tasks to show.

Use the functionWizardIsComponentSelected

( IsComponentSelected

before installing Inno 6.0.2).

{ Before Inno Setup 6.0.2, use IsComponentSelected. }
if WizardIsComponentSelected('ac2') then
  if WizardIsComponentSelected('ac') then AC2ComToolsIndex := 4
    else AC2ComToolsIndex := 1;
  else AC2ComToolsIndex := -1;


If you want to automatically create a complete mapping of the task name and the item index TaskList

, you can do something like this every time the task list changes, that is, when you call : CurPageChanged(wpSelectTasks)

It is relatively easy when there are only checkboxes, not radio buttons (that is, no exclusive

flag task ).

  Tasks: TStringList;

procedure CurPageChanged(CurPageID: Integer);
  TasksChecked: array of Boolean;
  I: Integer;
  if CurPageID = wpSelectTasks then
    SetArrayLength(TasksChecked, WizardForm.TasksList.Items.Count);
    { Remember current task state + Check all task checkboxes }
    for I := 0 to WizardForm.TasksList.Items.Count - 1 do
      TasksChecked[I] := WizardForm.TasksList.Checked[I];
      WizardForm.TasksList.Checked[I] := True;
    Tasks := TStringList.Create;
    Tasks.CommaText := WizardSelectedTasks(False);  
    for I := 0 to WizardForm.TasksList.Items.Count - 1 do
      { Insert blank items for "group descriptions" }
      if WizardForm.TasksList.ItemObject[I] = nil then
        Tasks.Insert(I, '');
      { Restore previous task state }
      WizardForm.TasksList.Checked[I] := TasksChecked[I];


Now you can use Tasks

to find the corresponding index of the issue:

AC2ComToolsIndex := Tasks.IndexOf('ac2comtools');


Although, since you have exclusive

tasks, you need a lot more complex code.



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