DB Query Commands Produce Weird SQL Queries

I have my model:

type Report struct {
    ID    int     `json:"id,omitempty" gorm:"primary_key"`
    Title *string `json:"title" gorm:"not null"`


I have initialized the variable report

as var report Report

I have successfully auto-migrated this model as a database table and populated the database as sql INSERT

with GORM db.Create(&report)


The problem I'm running into is trying to execute query commands. Each command requests supported GORM, such as db.Find(&report)

, db.First(&report, 1)

leads to such requests as folows:

SELECT * FROM "reports"  WHERE "reports"."deleted_at" IS NULL AND ((id = $1))
SELECT * FROM "reports"  WHERE "reports"."deleted_at" IS NULL AND ((id = $1))
SELECT * FROM reports WHERE (reports.deleted_at IS NULL) AND ((id = $1))
SELECT * FROM reports WHERE (reports.deleted_at IS NULL) AND ((id = $1))
SELECT 0 done


I cannot query the database. I am using GORM with db cockroach. This works great when using GO pq drivers and raw sql commands.


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2 answers

The column deleted_at

is part of the GORM basegorm.Model

struct and soft delete . Are you using gorm.Model

somewhere that we don't see in this example? This shouldn't happen if you don't define a field with a name DeletedAt

or embed a gorm.Model

into your model structure.



Since the model has a delete_at field, gorm automatically uses the soft delete function . you can useUnscoped



Which is similar to executing a raw request

db.Raw("SELECT * FROM reports").Scan(&reports)




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