Angular 2 Kendo grid not supporting odata v4

I tried server side filtering using angular 2 kendo grid with odata v4 but showing the "contains" keyword is not supported. new version using 'substringof' instead of 'contains' how can i solve this problem


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2 answers

Install Odata V4 and configure WebApiConfig.cs

 ODataConventionModelBuilder builder = new ODataConventionModelBuilder();
                var customer = builder.EntitySet<CustomerModel>("CustomerSearch");

                  routeName: "odata",
                  routePrefix: "odata",
                  model: builder.GetEdmModel());


'CustomerModel' is my model to return Controller name CustomerSearch

Odata controller

    public class CustomerSearchController : ODataController

        public IQueryable<CustomerModel> Get()
            CustomerModelResponse list = new CustomerModelResponse();
                list = CustomerBL.GetCustomer(0);
            catch (Exception)

            return list.CustomerList.AsQueryable();





We are using OData v3.

What I did was regex queryString if it has contains () then replace it with substringof ()

Here's an example:

  let queryString = toODataString(state);
  const regex = /(contains(([^)]+)\)))/;
  queryString = _.replace(queryString, regex, `substringof('${filter.value}', ${filter.field})`);


I am using lodash here but I also have to work with string.replace function



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