Lisp key sort sort

I'm trying to sort a list that looks something like this:

(defvar my-list '((:x 1 :y something) (:x 5 :y something) (:x 19 :y something)))


I am trying to sort it by value in :x

. I could do it like this

(sort my-list #'> :key #'second)


but i would rather use a function getf

instead second

, but i can't figure out how to pass :x

as a parameter.

From what I can gather just #'getf

returns (getf ((:x 1 :y something) '(:x 5 :y something) (:x 19 :y something)) [external]

. How do I go through the pass :x

as the second parameter?

The only way I could think of would be to create a wrapper function for getf

that only takes a list as a parameter and passes it in by default :x

. However, there must be a better way.


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2 answers

Not a better way than lambda


(defvar *my-list* '((:x 1 :y something) (:x 5 :y something) (:x 19 :y something)))
(sort *my-list* #'> :key (lambda (plist) (getf plist :x)))
==> ((:X 19 :Y SOMETHING) (:X 5 :Y SOMETHING) (:X 1 :Y SOMETHING))


You might be looking for currying , but Common Lisp doesn't have this OOTB.

Rainer's answer suggests ad hoc currying.



If your Lisp code uses a property as a key, then you can define a function to create a key function. See Section property-key-fn


CL-USER 22 > (defparameter *my-list* (copy-list '((:x 1  :y foo)
                                                  (:x 5  :y bar)
                                                  (:x 19 :y baz))))

CL-USER 23 > (defun property-key-fn (property)
               (lambda (plist)
                 (getf plist property)))

CL-USER 24 > (setf *my-list* (sort *my-list* #'> :key (property-key-fn :x)))
((:X 19 :Y BAZ) (:X 5 :Y BAR) (:X 1 :Y FOO))

CL-USER 25 > (setf *my-list* (sort *my-list* #'string> :key (property-key-fn :y)))
((:X 1 :Y FOO) (:X 19 :Y BAZ) (:X 5 :Y BAR))




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