Text search in GraphDB web interface?

Is there a text search available through the GraphDB web interface, such as searching for Blazegraph, Stardog, and Virtuoso?

For example:

enter image description here

I went through Lucene and full-text connector . I see how I can write a SPARQL search that includes a text search:

PREFIX luc: <http://www.ontotext.com/owlim/lucene#>
  ?id luc:myTestIndex "ast*"


But is there a point-and-click search interface?

If I need to specify predicates that will initiate the indexing process, I would like to include a :literalValue

form of my applied ontology.

:Mark a :StackOverflowQuestioner .
:Mark :denotedBy :MarksName .
:MarksName rdfs:label "Mark Name" .
:MarksName :literalValue "Mark Miller" .



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1 answer

To set up autocomplete indexes, start GraphDB Workbench and open:



The interface allows indexing of IRI text and the values โ€‹โ€‹of specific predicates such as rdfs:label

or skos:label


enter image description here

The index is updated on the fly with new data updates. It can be accessed:

  • SPARQL Editor by pressing Ctrl | Cmd + Space, so the editor will autocomplete IRI
  • Explore> Visual Graphs by typing a resource to start your exploration with


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