Padding numbers in a numpy array in sets 1024

I have a large array with increasing elements as follows

A = [512,2560,3584,5632,....]


Elements are always spaced at least 1024 apart.

Let's say I need to convert this above array into one below, where for each element of the original matrix A I take a range of values ​​from A[n]

to A[n]+1024

(one step at a time) and they become the values ​​of the new matrix as follows:

A2 = [512,513,514,...,1535,2560,2561,2562,...3583,....]


The way I solved the problem was to iterate over the original matrix A, create a range of values ​​between A[0]

and A[0]+1024

(for example), allocate them into a new array, and so on. The code is below. The convention is for A as a seed matrix

seed = 0
A2 = np.empty(len(A)*1024,)
for ind in range(len(A)):
    A2[seed:seed+1024] = np.arange(A[ind],A[ind]+1024)
    seed = seed+1024;


I am getting the answer I want, but I wonder if this is the best way to do it. I am a Matlab user switching to python and numpy

, and I haven't used optimization yet numpy

. I appreciate any help.


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2 answers

You can use broadcasting


(A[:,None] + np.arange(1024)).ravel()


Example run -

# Input array
In [433]: A = np.array([512,2560,3584,5632])

# Add ranged numbers in a broadcasted way for elementwise addition   
In [434]: A[:,None] + np.arange(1024)
array([[ 512,  513,  514, ..., 1533, 1534, 1535],
       [2560, 2561, 2562, ..., 3581, 3582, 3583],
       [3584, 3585, 3586, ..., 4605, 4606, 4607],
       [5632, 5633, 5634, ..., 6653, 6654, 6655]])

# Finally flatten those for final output
In [435]: (A[:,None] + np.arange(1024)).ravel()
Out[435]: array([ 512,  513,  514, ..., 6653, 6654, 6655])


Alternatively with np.add.outer




Equivalent MATLAB version:

For reference, a version of MATLAB using the equivalent broadcasting

c bsxfun

and with column order in mind would look something like this:

>> A = [512,2560,3584,5632];
>> sums = bsxfun(@plus, A, [0:1023].');
>> [sums(1:3,1) ; sums(end-2:end,1)].'
ans =
         512         513         514        1533        1534        1535
>> [sums(1:3,2) ; sums(end-2:end,2)].'
ans =
        2560        2561        2562        3581        3582        3583
>> [sums(1:3,3) ; sums(end-2:end,3)].'
ans =
        3584        3585        3586        4605        4606        4607
>> [sums(1:3,4) ; sums(end-2:end,4)].'
ans =
        5632        5633        5634        6653        6654        6655
>> out = reshape(sums,1,[]);
>> [out(1:3) out(end-2:end)]
ans =
         512         513         514        6653        6654        6655




You can use:

(A.reshape(-1,1) + numpy.arange(1024)).reshape(-1)


It works like this:

  • first we use reshape(-1,1)

    to get the array n & times; 1;
  • Next, we broadcast it by adding 0 to 1024 to each line; and
  • then we convert it back to a 1D array.


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