How to request UAC in fsi and fsharp script

I have a script:

open System
open System.IO

let fileSize path =
        Some((new FileInfo(path)).Length)
    | e ->
        printfn "%A" e

let dirSize dir =
    |> fileSize
    |> (Option.defaultValue 0L)
    |> Array.reduce (+)

dirSize """C:\Users\xxx\Documents""";;


I run it System.UnauthorizedAccessException

I'm trying to run cmd

or fsi

as administrator, but either worked.
I find a solution used in fsharp program using Manifest file

But the parameter --win32manifest

cannot be used in fsi (this is an option fsc

error FS0243: Unrecognized option: '--win32manifest'


Is there any solution for asking UAC in a script?
(I know how to fix the script above by replacing the method GetFiles

to catch the exception)


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1 answer

I can say that after a little research that is not a .FSX issue, I was able to replicate the issue in visual studio in C # and in F # apps. Here is a link on a similar issue. I think the solution would be to use a folder where you have full permissions (something in my docs has an iffy), or use a solution like this as a starting point.



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