The component does not return an interface even if the props are supplied

I'm new to React, so I think the problem here is likely to be pretty simple. I am showing a list of regions, and when the user clicks on a region, I pass the object via props to the CountryList component:

render() {
        return (
                    onSelect={this.updateBoth} />
                { !this.state.countryCodes
                    ? "Select a region"
                    : <CountryList countryCodes={this.state.countryCodes} /> }


The SelectRegion component works fine, but CountryList only provides a component with no content. Here is the CountryList component.

function CountryList(props) {
    return (
        <ul className="country-list">
            {Object.entries(props.countryCodes).forEach(([key, val]) => {
                return (
                        className="country-item" >
                            <div className="country-code">{key}</div>
                            <ul className="space-list-items">
                                        alt={"Flag for " + val}


If I look in the inspector, I can see that when the user clicks on the area, the state is updated, the CountryList component is added to the page (as well <ul></ul>

) and that it has the appropriate props (object). What am I missing to render the component?

If useful, this is the whole component:

function App () {
	return (
	  	<Selector />

function SelectRegion (props) {
	const regionCountry = {
		"Europe": {
			"PL": "Poland",
			"HU": "Hungary",
			"DE": "Germany",
			"AT": "Austria",
			"DK": "Denmark", 
			"ES": "Spain", 
			"GR": "Greece",
			"IT": "Italy",
			"CH": "Switzerland",
			"RU": "Russia",
			"FR": "France",
			"BE": "Belgium",
			"LU": "Luxembourg",
			"SE": "Sweden",
			"NO": "Norway",
			"SI": "Slovenia",
			"LT": "Lithuania",
			"CY": "Cyprus",
			"LV": "Latvia",
			"BG": "Bulgaria",
			"HR": "Croatia",
			"GB": "United Kingdom",
			"IE": "Ireland",
			"GE": "Georgia",
			"RO": "Romania",
			"FI": "Finland",
			"NL": "Netherlands",
			"ME": "Montenegro"

		"Americas": {
			"CA": "Canada",
			"US": "USA",
			"MX": "Mexico",
			"BR": "Brazil",
			"CL": "Chile",
			"AR": "Argentina",
			"CO": "Columbia",
			"UY": "Uruguay"
		"APAC": {
			"AU": "Australia",
			"NZ": "New Zealand",
			"KZ": "Kazakhstan",
			"JP": "Japan",
			"TH": "Thailand",
			"TW": "Taiwan"
		"Middle East & Africa": {
			"IL": "Israel",
			"TR": "Turkey",
			"AE": "UAE",
			"SA": "South Africa"

	return (
		<ul className="regions">
			{Object.keys(regionCountry).map((region) => {
					style={region === props.selectedRegion ? {color: '#d0021b'} : null}
					onClick={props.onSelect.bind(null, region, regionCountry[region])}
	            	key={region} >

function CountryList(props) {
	return (
		<ul className="country-list">
			{Object.entries(props.countryCodes).forEach(([key, val]) => {
				return (
						className="country-item" >
							<div className="country-code">{key}</div>
							<ul className="space-list-items">
										alt={"Flag for " + val}

class Selector extends React.Component {
	constructor(props) {

		this.state = {
			selectedRegion: null,
			countryCodes: null

		this.updateRegion = this.updateRegion.bind(this);
		this.updateCountries = this.updateCountries.bind(this);
		this.updateBoth = this.updateBoth.bind(this);

	updateRegion(region) { selectedRegion: region }

	updateCountries(countries) { countryCodes: countries }

	updateBoth(updateRegion, updateCountries) {
		this.setState(() => {
			return {
				selectedRegion: updateRegion,
				countryCodes: updateCountries

	render() {
		return (
					onSelect={this.updateBoth} />
				{ !this.state.countryCodes
					? "Select a region"
					: <CountryList countryCodes={this.state.countryCodes} /> }

	<App />,

body {
  font-family: -apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,Segoe UI,Roboto,Oxygen-Sans,Ubuntu,Cantarell,Helvetica Neue,sans-serif;

.container {
  max-width: 1200px;
  margin: 0 auto;

a {
  text-decoration: none;
  color: #d0021b;

ul {
  padding: 0;

li {
  list-style-type: none;

.button {
  color: #e6e6e6;
  background: #0a0a0a;
  border: none;
  font-size: 16px;
  border-radius: 3px;
  width: 200px;
  text-align: center;
  display: block;
  padding: 7px 0;
  margin: 10px auto;

.button:hover:enabled {
  background: linear-gradient(#1a1a1a,#0a0a0a);
  color: #fff;
  text-decoration: none;

.button:active {
  transform: translateY(1px);

.regions {
  display: flex;
  justify-content: center;

.regions li {
  font-size: 1.5em;
  margin: 10px;
  font-weight: bold;
  cursor: pointer;

.country-list {
  display: flex;
  flex-wrap: wrap;
  justify-content: space-around;

.country-item {
  margin: 20px;
  text-align: center;

.country-code {
  margin: 20px;
  text-align: center;

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>Hello Express</title>
    <div id="app"></div>

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1 answer

Empty <ul></ul>

should mean props.countryCodes

not set, the loop for Object.entries looks good to me. The problem is that your "updateBoth" callback is to blame for onSelect={this.updateBoth}

not passing any parameters to updateBoth(updateRegion, updateCountries)

, so your state cannot set any value for countryCodes.


I can get your code to work with:

function CountryList(props) {
    return (
        <ul className="country-list">
                Object.keys(props.countryCodes).map((key) => {
                    return (
                            key={ key }
                            className="country-item" >
                            <div className="country-code">{key}</div>
                            <ul className="space-list-items">
                                        alt={"Flag for " + props.countryCodes[key]}





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