Ng click and / or ng change

Morning, that's what happens.

I did dev, it worked fine, but only with firefox. When I tested it with chrome ... it didn't work at all.

So I have a choice and I want to store the selected value so I can process it later.

Here is my angular:

 if ($scope.dateTemp == "") {
     $scope.displayNotification('error', "Empty date");
 } else {
     //dateTemp treatment



$scope.saveDate = function(dateMin){


My opinion:

<p>Select date
    <select ng-model="date_selection" ng-change="saveDate(dateMin)">
        <option ng-repeat="dateMin in listeDate" track by $index>{[{dateMin}]}</option>


When I tried this I got undefined with my warning (the btw saveDate function is just a setter for $scope.dateTemp


Also, when I try to do it, it works fine, but not with chrome.

    <select ng-model="date_selection">
        <option ng-click="saveDate(dateMin)" ng-repeat="dateMin in listeDate" track by $index>{[{dateMin}]}</option>


Thank you for your advice.


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2 answers

track by $index

must be included in the directive ng-repeat


<select ng-model="date_selection" ng-change="saveDate(dateMin)">
        <option ng-repeat="dateMin in listeDate track by $index">{[{dateMin}]}</option>


track by

is a directive option ng-repeat

that helps identify a unique element in an array.

A short example:

function TodoCtrl($scope) {
  $scope.listeDate = ['date1','date2'];

<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app>
  <div ng-controller="TodoCtrl">
   <select ng-model="date_selection" ng-change="saveDate(date_selection)">
        <option ng-repeat="dateMin in listeDate">{{dateMin}}</option>

Run codeHide result

I am testing it and it works in chrome and mozilla.



You can also use ng-options inside select tag


app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {
  $scope.listeDate = [{"value":1,"text":"date1"},




<body ng-controller="MainCtrl">
    <select ng-options="date.value as date.text for date in listeDate" ng-model="selected" ng-change="Print()"></select>


Working plunker link



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