IBM Watson - Sys-number not getting 0

in this case I want to use sys-number

to get a sequence of numbers and that number can start at 0. But if the user types 034234342342

, the sys number is not recognized 0

, just 34234342342


Do you have a Contorn Solution for this? In this case, to get the whole number?

This is one condition Regex

within the conversation thread and I want to use sys-number

to get ALL the number if the user enters "My protocol number is 034234342342". And it sys-number

will be a new condition and will receive the full number.

If not, use sys-number

. Please try to answer me how to do it in this case.


Check out my example:

enter image description here

My attempt: enter image description here


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1 answer

You can use @ sys-number to define this number. Otherwise, you can do:




allows you to find any occurrence, and matches()

- full line match.

The capture can be used:

<? input.text.extract('\d{11}',0) ?> 


It also allows you to capture groups.

Otherwise, you won't be able to capture the previous zeros with @sys-number


Also, if you put checks directly into JSON, you need to exit \

with \\




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