Java JPA / Hibernate generates database schema twice

I recently tried switching my application from Hibernate SessionFactory to JPA EntityManager for Spring MVC project.

When I run my application with Jetty, the database schema is created twice. (I have installed for 'create').

In particular, I see this output twice:

INFO: Building JPA EntityManagerFactory for persistence unit 'default'
INFO: Initialized JPA EntityManagerFactory for persistence unit 'default'


The generated sql with hibernate also shows the same SQL queries being repeated twice.

Somehow the creator of the object is created twice.

I am using Hibernate version 5.2.9.Final, Spring version 4.3.5.RELEASE

Unfortunately, the project does not belong to me, so I donโ€™t think I can release code samples. But I am wondering if anyone has run into this problem, and I would really appreciate it if someone could point me in a general direction where the problem might be.

I tried to switch between LocalEntityManagerFactoryBean


I also switched between using dataSource and persistence.xml

I also tried filtering <context:component-scan>

in dispatcher-servlet.xml

to exclude crawling for @Component

(to avoid the possibility of scanning multiple beans twice), but none of them will work!

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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