If I have an application registered with Azure AD, how can I use the School REST API?

If I have an application registered with Azure AD, what is the best way to use the School REST API?

I think there are a few things that I cannot reconcile in the docs, so bear with me. Specifically, is there a permission level that allows me to request data from this rest endpoint? At the moment I am requesting basic permissions (User.Read) but it seems according to school data sync that the district should register and share its SIS information. This leads me to think that the user cannot grant such permission, and instead the application should get the "district" permission.

  • If a district finds my app in the azure market, do they grant a permit or might they have a situation where they use an app found in the azure market but did not provide an sds permit?

Also, can the 'id' from https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me be used to query the school recreation API? How can I query student / teacher information for the current user? Reading the documents, it seems to me that I need to cross the tree of schools, school, students, a specific student.



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