Send data to the store?

How do I pass data from my vue component to the store?

Here's my component:

methods: {
    ...mapActions('NavBar', [
    onClick: function() {


And in the store:

actions: {           
   fix: ({ commit }) => {
    //get data here?



source to share

1 answer

Actions as well as mutations in VueJS 2.x can take additional arguments (often called payload

) additional data.

From the VueJS documentation on mutations :

You can pass an additional argument to store.commit, which invokes the payload for the mutation:

mutations: {
  increment (state, n) {
    state.count += n
store.commit('increment', 10)


In most cases, the payload must be an object so that it can contain multiple fields and the recorded mutation will also be more descriptive:

mutations: {
  increment (state, payload) {
    state.count += payload.amount
store.commit('increment', {
  amount: 10


And for Actions :

Actions support the same payload format and object-style dispatch:

// dispatch with a payload
store.dispatch('incrementAsync', {
  amount: 10

// dispatch with an object
  type: 'incrementAsync',
  amount: 10


The documentation doesn't seem very clear as to how to define an action, but it looks like this:

actions: {
  incrementAsync ({ commit, state }, payload) { ... }




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