What is a "load module"?

I was reading about linking and loading (one of the OS topics not specific to any language) and I came across this term "Load Module" without any reference to it. From what I understand about how it was used it appears to be the final product after compilation and linking (executable, perhaps). I tried Google, the term seems to be related to the COBOL language and there is no specification that it is specific to COBOL, so I am posting this here to see if you have heard any of you and educate me about it.


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1 answer

According to IBM "MVS Management: User Guide and Reference" download module

An executable program stored in a split dataset program library.

So you are correct that this is the final output of the Binder (formerly known as the Linkage Editor) that can be executed by z / OS.

Some additional notes:

  • The term is not limited to COBOL, the Binder input are object modules that can be created by many of the available compilers on z / OS, i.e. C, COBOL, PL / I compiled by REXX or even Assembler (where there is no compiler other than assembler).
  • In strict accordance with the definition, it is important to note the term "partitioned data set program library" in the above quote. An executable program stored in a PDSE or z / OS Unix file is called a "program object". But you'll often see a "load module" being used for these people, as many people just use the old term they know and don't bother changing (for example, using the "Link Editor" when talking about the Binder).


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