Rails order by quantity based on column values

Rails 5.1.2

I have two models Student

and Award

as follows:

class Student < ApplicationRecord
  has_many :awards

class Award < Application Record
  belongs_to :students

  # Categories
  scope :attendance, -> { where(category: 0) }
  #...(other award categories)
  scope :talent,     -> { where(category: 8) }
  # Ranks
  # Gold
  scope :rank_1, -> { where(rank: 1) }
  # Silver
  scope :rank_2, -> { where(rank: 2) }
  # Bronze
  scope :rank_3, -> { where(rank: 3) }



has the following columns: rank

and category


Now I want to get the top student for this category. The criteria for this are: order according to the count of "gold" awards (rank 1

), then order according to the column "silver" (rank 2

), and then order according to the count of "bronze" (rank 3


So, if I got Student

one that matches the top criteria for a category 0

(which is handled by the scope attendance

as described in the above model), this is what I thought the request should look like:

Student.joins(:awards).where(awards: { category: 0 }).group('students.id').order('COUNT(awards.rank == 1) DESC', 'COUNT(awards.rank == 2) DESC', 'COUNT(awards.rank == 3) DESC').take


However, this returns the student with the highest number of rewards, regardless of rank. For example, if I remove take

, the order looks like this:

# |St.ID | Gold  | Slvr. | Brnz. |
1 |  12  |   4   |   12  |   8   |
2 |   1  |   9   |   0   |   4   |
3 |   6  |   9   |   1   |   0   |
4 |  18  |   5   |   2   |   2   |


So the order I get is IDs 12, 1, 6, 18, ...

, when it should be IDs 6, 1, 18, 12, ...


I understand the part is order('COUNT(awards.rank == 1) DESC', 'COUNT(awards.rank == 2) DESC', 'COUNT(awards.rank == 3) DESC')

just ordering the count of the number of awards (not the number of awards with a specific value in the column rank


I can easily solve this by adding a cache counter for each award category, but this is not an elegant and flexible solution.

As a bonus, after this query returns a successful result, I will search the database again to find all students with the same score (how can there be connections). I don't know how to do it all in one query (maybe using subqueries after getting the values ​​for each rank).


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1 answer

I think your problem might be double equals?

EDIT: This is the more correct way (assume MySQL):

 Student.joins(:awards).where(awards: { category: 0 }).group('students.id').order('COUNT(if(awards.rank = 1)) DESC', 'COUNT(if(awards.rank = 2)) DESC', 'COUNT(if(awards.rank = 3)) DESC').take


Try your code without it first, if that doesn't work you can try this:

SELECT students.id, gold, silver, bronze) FROM students 
  (SELECT students.id as id COUNT(awards) as bronze
  FROM students JOIN awards ON students.id = awards.student_id
  WHERE awards.rank = 1
  GROUP BY students.id) q1 q1.id = students.id
  (SELECT students.id as id COUNT(awards) as silver
  FROM students JOIN awards ON students.id = awards.student_id
  WHERE awards.rank = 2
  GROUP BY students.id) q2 q2.id = students.id
  (SELECT students.id as id COUNT(awards) as gold
  FROM students JOIN awards ON students.id = awards.student_id
  WHERE awards.rank = 3
  GROUP BY students.id) q3 q3.id = students.id
ORDER BY gold, silver, bronze




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