Find broken sequence with match_recognize with Oracle 12C

I want to detect gaps in my CDR_ID sequence for each number because I am using the match_recognize analytic function.


SQL> select  distinct number,
      from    TMP_CDR_GAPS  match_recognize (
                        partition by number 
                        order     by cdr_id
                        measures  match_number() status_sequence
                        all rows per match
                        after match skip past last row
                        pattern   (section_start in_seq_value*)
                        define    in_seq_value as (cdr_id = prev(cdr_id))


As a result, I get:

NUMBER          CDR_ID      STATUS_SEQUENCE                         
003301011849    536         1
003301011849    537         2
003301011849    538         3
003301011849    539         4
003301011849    540         5
003301011849    541         6
003301011849    542         7
003301011849    544         8           <-- !!! 
003301011849    545         9
003301011849    546         10
003301011849    547         11
003301011849    548         12


You will notice that CDR_ID 543 is missing , which is exactly what I want to detect, so I expect STATUS_SEQUENCE to restart to 1 for the next CDR_ID (CDR_ID 544 in this case).

Can someone help me understand what is wrong with the match_recognize syntax?

Thanks David


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1 answer

With multiple analysts stacking on top of each other ...

with detect_first_in_seq$ as (
    select X.*,
        case when lnnvl(lag(X.cdr_id) over (partition by num order by cdr_id) = X.cdr_id-1) then X.cdr_id end as is_first_cdr_id_in_seq
    from tmp_cdr_gaps X
copy_first_in_seq$ as (
    select X.*,
        last_value(is_first_cdr_id_in_seq ignore nulls) over (partition by num order by cdr_id) as first_cdr_id_in_seq
    from detect_first_in_seq$ X
    row_number() over (partition by num, first_cdr_id_in_seq order by cdr_id) as status_sequence
from copy_first_in_seq$ X


With a slightly modified request of yours and one more analytical ...

select num, cdr_id,
    row_number() over (partition by num, sequence_group order by cdr_id) as status_sequence
from tmp_cdr_gaps
    match_recognize (
        partition by num
        order     by cdr_id
        measures  match_number() sequence_group
        all rows per match
        after match skip past last row
        pattern   (section_start in_seq_value*)
        define    in_seq_value as (cdr_id = prev(cdr_id)+1)


And finally, only with match_recognize


select *
from tmp_cdr_gaps
    match_recognize (
        partition by num
        order by cdr_id
        measures count(1) as status_sequence
        all rows per match
        after match skip past last row
        pattern (sequence_group in_sequence*)
        define in_sequence as (cdr_id = prev(cdr_id)+1)


This works because, as I discovered in the Oracle doc , aggregate functions in match_recognize()

have modus functions by default doing aggregates.

Thanks for getting me a little closer to mastering this great addition to SQL. :-)

Regarding yours Can someone help me understand what is wrong with the match_recognize syntax? ...

There are several errors:

  • Yours in_seq_value

    , defined as cdr_id = prev(cdr_id)

    , doesn't make sense. With this definition, you are saying that you want to identify sequences of the same values cdr_id

    , whereas you really want to identify sequences of values cdr_id

    that increase by 1.
  • Your match_number() status_sequence

    numbers are sequentially each found pattern. For cdr_id = prev(cdr_id)

    such a template, it will correspond to 12 one-line "subgroups", each of which will be numbered sequentially. For cdr_id = prev(cdr_id)+1

    that will be 1

    for lines cdr_id

    from 536

    to 542

    and 2

    for lines cdr_id

    from 544

    to 548



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