Save as PDF chrome using selenium

I'm looking to automate "Save as PDF" in Chrome using selenium. AFAIK not supported by selenium out of the box. So I am trying to write my own. I have a problem. In fact, clicking on the "Print" button on my web page opens a new window with the option to print. I am trying to switch to this window using SwitchTo. But this time is always.


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2 answers

You can add options .AddArgument ("- kiosk-print"); so that it automatically presses the print button. In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

This works for me, but I have a problem setting up the printer to save as PDF. Instead, it prints to a printer.



You can try to disable the Chrome pdf plugin and load the promt window with the required capabilities. Something like that:

    DesiredCapabilities cap =;
    cap.setCapability("plugins.plugins_disabled","Chrome PDF Viewer");

    WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(cap);




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