How to print to PDF using Node JS / / Chimp?

I am trying to use Chimp / / Selenium in Node JS to try and validate my CSS @media print

to make sure everything displays correctly when people are typing from my site.

How can I program Chrome / Firefox to print to PDF? I don't want to convert screenshot to PDF. I want the PDF to look the way it will look when printed. In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

Then, how can I scan the PDF to make sure the results are correct?


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1 answer

Success! I had to install / use the following tools:

npm install html-pdf-chrome --save-dev
npm install pdfreader --save-dev


html-pdf-chrome is used to magically call Chrome to convert some given HTML to PDF in the way that Chrome usually used for printing, pdfreader is a package that reads the specified PDF and then provides the text inside it.

After viewing the page that I want to print using webdriver, I can call:

this.When(/^I print the page to a PDF named "([^"]*)"$/,
  async function(outputFilename) {

    console.log("Getting the html...");
    let sourceHTML = await browser.getSource();

    console.log("Printing the html using Chrome...");
    let pdf = await HtmlPdf.create(sourceHTML);

    console.log("Saving the PDF to " + outputFilename + "...");
    await pdf.toFile(path.join(DEFAULT_PRINT_PATH, outputFilename));


Then, to get the text to PDF, I call this function:

function readPdfText(filename) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    let pdfText = "";
    new pdfReader.PdfReader().parseFileItems(path.join(DEFAULT_PRINT_PATH, filename), function(err, item){
      if (err){
        console.log("Error received on parsing PDF: " + err, err.stack);
      else if (!item) {
      else if (item.text) {
        if(item.text.trim() === ":") {
          pdfText += item.text;
        } else {
          pdfText += "\n" + item.text;




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