How can I determine if a column is being resized manually or automatically using onColumnResized ()?

Before ag-grid v11.0, sizeColumnsToFit () is fired with an event that did not pass the 'finished = true' parameter. When the user manually resizes the column, the event will pass "finished = true" after the size has been dragged. This allowed me to differentiate between manual and automatic column sizes.

As of ag-grid v11.0, sizeColumnsToFit () now fires an event with the 'finished = true' parameter. Is there a way to differentiate between this auto size and user manual size?


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2 answers

The ColumnEvent from which the ColumnResizedEvent originates has a "source" property that reads "sizeColumnsToFit" or "uiColumnDragged" and even "autosizeColumns" when you double-click on a section.

You should be able to use the source to determine how the event happened.

myEventHandler(ev: ColumnResizedEvent) {
  if (ev.source === 'sizeColumnsToFit') {
  } else {




Code added since 10

colsToFireEventFor.forEach( (column: Column) => {
            let event: ColumnResizedEvent = {
                type: Events.EVENT_COLUMN_RESIZED,
                column: column,
                columns: [column],
                finished: true,
                api: this.gridApi,
                columnApi: this.columnApi

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You can try to change the complete comment of the comment: property is true or just use version 10.0 where this func looks like this:

 colsToFireEventFor.forEach( (column: Column) => {
            let event = new ColumnChangeEvent(Events.EVENT_COLUMN_RESIZED).withColumn(column);
            this.eventService.dispatchEvent(Events.EVENT_COLUMN_RESIZED, event);

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