Command to run latest java jar in directory

I am currently running my jars with $ java -jar /path/to/fooproject-x.y.z-standalone.jar

, where x.y.z

is version. I could swear that I saw a very simple, slightly modified version of this command that launches the highest jar version in the directory and I can't have life find me again. It's true?


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1 answer

Please consider this command:

$ ls * .jar | sort -t- -k2 -V -r | head -1

I set a separator and a set of keys to sort. And use a pipe to find the latest JAR with the head command . You can assign this way:

LATEST_VERSION = $ (ls foo * .jar | sort -t- -k2 -V -r | head -1)

And run the jar with whatever parameters you need.



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