Multi sub on Array of Int vs Array of Array of Int

I would like to have a multi-sub where one is for the Ints array and the other multi sub is for an array of Ints arrays.

This looks like a trick:

multi sub abc(Int @array) { say 10; }

multi sub abc(Array[Int] @array) { say 20; }


But constructing literals that satisfy these constraints is pretty verbose:

abc Array[Int].new([1,2,3]);   # -> 10

abc Array[Array[Int]].new([Array[Int].new([1,2,3]), Array[Int].new([2,3,4])]);   # -> 20


Ideally, I could just say:

abc [1,2,3]
abc [[1,2,3], [2,3,4]]


Is there a way to build abc

that can ship as shown above without all the explicit type annotations?

Can I be configured multi sub

to send at runtime?


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1 answer

Instead of a cheap nominal type check, you can do a costly structured check with a proposal where


multi sub abc(@array-of-Int where .all ~~ Int) { ... }



multi sub abc(@matrix-of-Int where .all ~~ Positional & { .all ~~ Int }) { ... }


If you go the nominal type route, you can also consider array forms, which can be declared even more compactly via anonymous variables.

abc my Int @[2;3] = (1,2,3), (2,3,4);
abc Array[Int].new(:shape(2,3), (1,2,3), (2,3,4));


and check through

multi sub abc(Array[Int] $matrix where .shape == 2) { ... }




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