SQL query, check year for one column

I have a column in my MySQL table showing the year. Example:

Table: Information

ID | Year_sold
--- --------
1 | 2002-2010
2 | 2005-2015
3 | 2011 -____
4 | 1975-1978

I'll ask a table if it has data to display for a specific year. Example:

SELECT * FROM Information WHERE Year_sold = '2012';

It won't work of course, but how can I enter the SQL query if the result is IDs 2 and 3.

If the item is still active and for sale, the years will be shown as ID 3, "2011 -____". I can replace "____" if necessary.


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1 answer

Use the functions BETWEEN




SELECT ID, Year_sold
FROM Information
WHERE '2012' BETWEEN LEFT(Year_sold,4) AND SUBSTRING_INDEX(Year_sold,'-',-1)



ID  Year_sold
2   2005-2015
3   2011-____


SQL Fiddle: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!9/7df7b7/1/0

If possible, I would start again with your table structure and have something like:

Table: Information

ID | Year_sold_from | Year_sold_to
--- ------------------------------
1  | 2002           | 2010
2  | 2005           | 2015
3  | 2011           | null
4  | 1975           | 1978




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