Update NULL-filled rows for a column based on matching values ββof other columns in other rows
Suppose I have a dataframe as shown below:
name street city coordinates
0 A0 B0 C0 1,1
1 A1 B0 C0 NaN
2 A2 B0 C0 NaN
3 A3 B2 C2 NaN
4 A4 B2 C2 2,3
5 A5 B3 C3 NaN
6 A6 B3 C3 NaN
I want the result to be
name street city coordinates
0 A0 B0 C0 1,1
1 A1 B0 C0 1,1
2 A2 B0 C0 1,1
3 A3 B2 C2 2,3
4 A4 B2 C2 2,3
5 A5 B3 C3 NaN
6 A6 B3 C3 NaN
I want to update coordinates with the same street and city . In the above example (B0, C0) with index 0 there are coordinates (1,1). So I need to update the coordinates with indices 1 and 2 to (1,1) since they have the same streets and cities (B0, C0). What is the best way to achieve this?
Also how can I update all this data in the same way if we are given a list of data. those.
df_list = [df1,df2,..]
Is it good to first generate a block of data with unique strings from all dataframes and then use this framework to find and update each dataframe?
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If only one value is possible, not NaN
in every group, use sort_values
c ffill
( Series.fillna
c method='ffill'
df = df.sort_values(['street','city','coordinates'])
df['coordinates'] = df['coordinates'].ffill()
print (df)
name street city coordinates
0 A0 B0 C0 1,1
1 A1 B0 C0 1,1
2 A2 B0 C0 1,1
4 A4 B2 C2 2,3
3 A3 B2 C2 2,3
5 A5 B2 C2 2,3
5 A6 B2 C2 2,3
Solution with GroupBy.transform
with dropna
df['coordinates'] = df.groupby(['street','city'])['coordinates']
.transform(lambda x: x.dropna())
print (df)
name street city coordinates
0 A0 B0 C0 1,1
1 A1 B0 C0 1,1
2 A2 B0 C0 1,1
3 A3 B2 C2 2,3
4 A4 B2 C2 2,3
5 A5 B2 C2 2,3
5 A6 B2 C2 2,3
df['coordinates'] = df.groupby(['street','city'])['coordinates']
.transform(lambda x: x.ffill().bfill())
print (df)
name street city coordinates
0 A0 B0 C0 1,1
1 A1 B0 C0 1,1
2 A2 B0 C0 1,1
3 A3 B2 C2 2,3
4 A4 B2 C2 2,3
5 A5 B2 C2 2,3
5 A6 B2 C2 2,3
The second solution also works with multiple values ββ- first the direct fill values ββfor each group (do not replace the first values, remain NaN
), and then all the first values ββare replaced with the fill:
print (df)
name street city coordinates
0 A0 B0 C0 1,1
1 A1 B0 C0 NaN
2 A2 B0 C0 NaN
3 A3 B2 C2 NaN
4 A4 B2 C2 2,3
5 A5 B2 C2 4,7
5 A6 B2 C2 NaN
df['coordinates'] = df.groupby(['street','city'])['coordinates']
.transform(lambda x: x.ffill().bfill())
print (df)
name street city coordinates
0 A0 B0 C0 1,1
1 A1 B0 C0 1,1
2 A2 B0 C0 1,1
3 A3 B2 C2 2,3
4 A4 B2 C2 2,3
5 A5 B2 C2 4,7
5 A6 B2 C2 4,7
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