How can I get my app to appear under the AppStore link in safari search on mobile?
My question may sound trivial to some of you, but I'm a bit new to promotion.
I would like to include the look and feel of my app in mobile safari finder as you can see in the image below. How can I make my app look like the Numbers app appears in this search? (With reference to App Store and specific App Store container)
I am looking around and I cannot figure out what procedure I have to take to figure this out. Is this a feature Core Spotlight Search
or NSUserActivity
for an apple?
Can I activate an iTunes connection?
I thank you in advance for any information or advice you could provide on this matter, or what tip I missed to unlock myself.
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First of all, thank you. I used to think it was a built-in iOS feature that would automatically do these things. But I was wrong, I just did some research on this and found that there is a thing called Universal Link , using this you can achieve the specified behavior.
When you maintain universal links, iOS users can use the link to your website and seamlessly redirect to the installed app without going through Safari. If your app is not installed, clicking your site link opens your site in Safari.
Universal links give you several key benefits that you don't get when you use custom URL schemes. Specifically, universal links:
- Unique. ... Unlike custom URL schemes, universal links cannot be approved by other applications because they use standard HTTP or HTTPS links for your site.
- Safe. ... When users install your app, iOS checks the file you've uploaded to your web server to make sure your site allows your app to open URLs on its behalf. Only you can create and download this file, hence the association of your website with your security application.
- Flexible. Universal links work even when your app isn't installed. When your app is not installed, clicking the link to your site opens the content in Safari as users expect.
- Plain. One URL works for both your site and your application.
- Private. Other applications can communicate with your application without knowing whether your application is installed.
You can read more about Universal Links in this documentation: Support for Universal Links
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