Firebase data sync error from Laravel

Integrating Firebase into the "RESTFUL API" for the first time. The data had to be synced to two databases, i.e. MySQL and Firebase, but the data was not synced to Firebase.

Setting firebase sync characteristics composer require mpociot/laravel-firebase-sync

Configuration code for integrating Firebase into my API: -

'firebase' => [
'api_key' => 'AIzaSyCbOasfdsfdsfds',
'auth_domain' => '',
'projectId' => 'restful-23aasdfsf60',
'messagingSenderId' => '8445794551330',
'database_url' => '',
'secret' => 'mZ93YRkZ9ZErQvvtJyFKmRopsdfcwUEE5ImoMW89hWB',
'storage_bucket' => '',


Note: For security reasons I changed the values โ€‹โ€‹of the config attributes.

The path where Firebase was configured. config/services.php

The process I followed to Synchronize the Model.


namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Mpociot\Firebase\SyncsWithFirebase;

class Demo extends Model
    use SyncsWithFirebase;

    protected $fillable = ['task','is_done'];

    protected $visible = ['id', 'task', 'is_done'];

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Please suggest a solution if there are any bugs in my code or any alternatives for this kind of problem. Thanks in Advance !!.


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1 answer

You can do the following:

use Firebase\Firebase;

class FirebaseController extends Controller



public function storeTask(Request $request){
    $FIREBASE_URL = 'your_url_key;
    $FIREBASE_SECRET = 'your_firebase_secret_key';

    $fb = Firebase::initialize($FIREBASE_URL, $FIREBASE_SECRET);

    $fb = new Firebase([ 'base_url' => $FIREBASE_URL, 'token' => $FIREBASE_SECRET,]);

    $nodeSetContent = $fb->push('msg', $request->all());
    return response()->json(['data'=>$nodeSetContent]);



you can get the link from this link ( )



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