How to access the nth channel of Mat in opencv?

I know how to access three channels cv::Mat

using Vec3b

. But now I have a channel n


and is n

not a constant (to use cv::Vec<uchar, n>

). How can I access channels cv::Mat



source to share

2 answers

Let's say n = 10

and we want to access the 4th

pixel channel (i, j)

. Here's a simple example:

typedef cv::Vec<uchar, 10> Vec10b;

// ....

// Create the mat
cv::Mat_<Vec10b> some_mat;

// Access 4th channel
uchar value =<Vec10b>(i,j)(4); 

// or 
uchar value =<Vec10b>(i,j)[4];


Hope this helps you. Note that you can omit the line typedef

, I just think it's easier.



To be able to handle an arbitrary number of channels, you can use cv::Mat::ptr

some pointer arithmetic as well.

For example, a simple approach that only supports data type CV_8U

would be:

#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>

inline uint8_t get_value(cv::Mat const& img, int32_t row, int32_t col, int32_t channel)
    CV_DbgAssert(channel < img.channels());
    uint8_t const* pixel_ptr(img.ptr(row, col));
    uint8_t const* value_ptr(pixel_ptr + channel);
    return *value_ptr;

void test(uint32_t channel_count)
    cv::Mat img(128, 128, CV_8UC(channel_count));
    cv::randu(img, 0, 256);

    for (int32_t i(0); i < img.channels(); ++i) {
        std::cout << i << ":" << get_value(img, 32, 32, i) << "\n";

int main()
    for (uint32_t i(1); i < 10; ++i) {

    return 0;




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