DbUpdateConcurrencyException Correct Handling

This is from the docs about the lifetime of DBContext:

When working with Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) or Windows Forms, use a context instance for each form. This allows you to use the change tracking functionality that the context provides.

I read that the lifetime DBContext

should be as short as possible, but obviously in the case WinForms

(which I am using) this rule does not apply and something else is recommended.

Current setting

Also my application follows a pattern MVC

and in my controller I have initialized DBContext

. Now that the form is closed, by the way, the controller instance gets deleted as well, and this is where the context dies. Also I use Database First approach if that matters.

Now that the context is always open (for each form), it seems like it has its own conveniences (you can easily track changes in the context), but for example I find myself (as a newbie at EF

) in some doubt ... Look at this situations:

I have a IList

user entity that is initialized when the form is created. And I am running two (or even more) instances of my application because it is designed to run in a multi-user environment. Now, suppose user A and user B are loading the same entry (user management screen, so they are both administrators) ... Now that everything goes like this:

the user A

makes changes (updates) to some records, the user B

makes changes (updates) to the same record and saves it to the database. User A

tries to keep the exception DbUpdateConcurrencyException


Now this is okay, I know the term "optimistic concurrency" and I say that both users A

and B

updated the same row (or the same column), I would handle an exception like this (correct me if I am missing something ):

catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException ex)
    //Here I reload UI with a new changes, and ask a user to try again         


Now it seems to work ... Since my context opens while my form is alive, when I do Reload () on ex.Entries.Single (), a specific user from the list (remember I mentioned the list of users before) is updated from with the actual database values, so when I reload the view, the user gets the current state.

Actual problem

So far so good ... But, for example, in this situation, where:

user A

deletes line

user B

tries to update and save changes in the same (already deleted row)

I'm facing a lot of problems and I don't know what would be the correct way to handle this.

I think I should update the list of users, but I don't know how to do this without throwing away the current context. So that would be a question ... How to reload the list of users from the database without having context in this block of code:

catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException ex)
    // Reload the user list with navigation properties fully initialized (note that user list is what would context.korisnik.ToList() would return)
    // Reload the UI


How do I properly handle optimistic concurrency errors in situations like this?


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1 answer

Here is my iteration logic to handle the DbUpdateConcurrencyException. The trick is to clone the CurrentValues, call Reload, then set the CurrentValues ​​with the original cloned values.

        bool saved = false;
                await ctx.SaveChangesAsync();
                saved = true;
            catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException ex)
                foreach (var entry in ex.Entries)
                    if (entry?.Entity is Person)
                        //clone to preserve values, Reload below will reset props
                        var proposedValues = entry.CurrentValues.Clone();

                        await entry.ReloadAsync();


        } while (!saved);




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