Execute process in Perl with options to stop, resume, kill using IPC

I have almost no idea about forking. I tried to research but I couldn't find a simple example on how to do this. For windows, I found a nice module and wrote this piece of code that does what I want.

   Win32::Process::Create( my $ProcessObj,
    "$jobs{$id}->{path}", "execute job", 0, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, "." )
  || die ErrorReport();
print "Available commands:\n1.Suspend\n2.Resume\n3.Kill\n";
while (1) {
    chomp( my $input = <STDIN> );
    if ( $input eq "1" ) {
    if ( $input eq "2" ) {
    if ( $input eq "3" ) {
        print "Returned to main menu.\n";


So my question is, is there a way to do this with forking? And here is my attempt at forking:

unless ( $pid = fork) {
        unless (fork) {
            exec "$jobs{$id}->{path}";
            die "exec failed!";
        exit 0;
    waitpid($pid, 0);


I have a program that prints Hello world every 3 seconds and I want to pause, resume and kill it if this example helps.


source to share

2 answers


makes it simple and platform independent.

use Forks::Super;
my $pid = fork { exec => $jobs{$id}->{path} };
$pid->kill;       # or $pid->kill('TERM'), $pid->kill('QUIT'), etc.




If you must go manually, the following signals are used: 'SIGSTOP'



Command line demo

perl -wE'
    $pid = fork // die "Cant fork: $!"; 
    if ($pid == 0) { 
        for (1..6) { say "\tkid ..."; sleep 1; }; 
        say "\tKID DONE"; exit; 
    sleep 3; 
    kill "STOP", $pid; 
    for (1..2) { say "Parent here!"; sleep 1}; 
    kill "CONT", $pid; 



        kid ...
        kid ...
        kid ...
Parent here!
Parent here!
        kid ...
        kid ...
        kid ...
        KID DONE

Then you need to implement this in your STDIN

-driven control .

But I suggest trying to allow Forks :: Super to be installed , from mob's answer.


controlled example. The bifurcation process and the parent file are written to the file for the test.

use warnings;
use strict;
use feature 'say';    
#use IO::Handle;            # needed pre v5.16 (for autoflush)

my $fh_kid;
$SIG{INT} = sub { close $fh_kid; exit 1 };

my $file = 'kidfile.out';
open $fh_kid, '>', $file or die "Can't open $file: $!";

my $pid = fork // die "Can't fork: $!";

if ($pid == 0) {
    $SIG{TERM} = sub { close $fh_kid; exit 1 };
    for (1..20) { 
        say $fh_kid "\tkid, $_"; 
        sleep 1;
say "Parent: started $pid";

while (1) {
    chomp (my $input = <STDIN>);
    if (not $input) {
        close $fh_kid; 
    if ($input == 1) {
        kill 'STOP', $pid;
        say         "Parent: STOP-ed $pid";
        say $fh_kid "Parent STOP-ed $pid";
    elsif ($input == 2) {
        say "Parent: CONT the $pid";
        kill 'CONT', $pid;
    elsif ($input == 3) {
        close $fh_kid;
        kill 'TERM', $pid;
        say "Parent: TERM-ed the $pid";

my $gone = waitpid $pid, 0;

if    ($gone > 0) { say "Child $gone exited with: $?" }
elsif ($gone < 0) { say "No such process ($gone), reaped already?" }
else              { say "Still out there?" }


This requires more details, but it does show which things are involved.

Exit (with comments)

Parent: started 19628
1 # entered a few seconds after starting
Parent: STOP-ed 19628
2 # after waiting for a minute
Parent: CONT the 19628
3 # after waiting for a few more seconds
Parent: TERM-ed the 19628
^ C # quit STDIN

We let the kid print to the file for a few seconds (so a few times) STOP

and then wait for him (1) and then wait a bit and then CONT

inject the child (2) and let him print a few more times before killing him (3 ).

The output kidfile.out

has a few lines from the child, then a line from the parent, and then a few more lines from the child, confirming that the child has been paused, resumed, and stopped.



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